Sunday 17 May 2009

Lemonade and control

'When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.'

This was a very wise piece of advice given to me by a colleague after an absolutely horrible day at work this week.  And its made me think.  

We are constantly dealt crap hands in life, sometimes just a horrible day, sometimes something so so much worse, but the notable thing about this is our outlook.  We have a choice, we can give in and let the crap overcome us, or we can fight against it and make the best out of it.  This could be in how we relate to and trust in other people, or it could be how we make ourselves stronger.  I know that I have a negative outlook when things start to go tits up; I freak out and think I'm losing control.  I've been known to do stupid things to try and regain this control; and I've also managed to completely alienate and drive close friends away.  

I know that I need to start squeezing the lemons that come along, and not worry about losing control, and instead worry about making lemonade.  

Sunday 3 May 2009


Anyone who knows me will say that I like to talk.  Well, like it or not, I talk a lot.  In fact, it's quite rare for me not to be talking.  I talk to friends, acquaintances, strangers and people I don't know.  One of my problems is not being able to stop talking when I'm in an uncomfortable position.  I talk when I'm awake AND when I'm asleep.  

So imagine my pain when I discovered that I CANNOT talk!  I have completely lost my voice.  I discovered on friday morning that I had lost the top octave of my voice, but since friday eve, haven't managed to say a single word.  This is perhaps the most annoying thing to ever have happened to me.

I can't even squeak or grunt, just pathetically whisper.