Sunday 29 June 2008

Who can catch me?

I was reminded this weekend about how hard I find it to trust people.  Can anyone be truly and completely trusted?  I don't think so, as humans are flawed beings.  Whether we like it or not, people judge each other, upset each other and disappoint.

I've also been reminded about how you can feel so let down by people.  Maybe intentionally, maybe not, people hurt you and ruin that bit of trust you were beginning to put in them.  That is something which is so hard to repair while the memories are still present.

Most of the time, I accept that I am not a trusting person.  Sure, I'll tell 'girly secrets' to people, or share who my latest crush is, but share something close to my heart, or something that upsets me? No, I can't do this easily.  Most of the time this is fine, I'm content to keep it in my head, but there are other times, like this weekend, that this begins to eat you up, and you wish you trusted enough to share.

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